Three Steps You Must Take Before a Storm to Help Prevent Damage
8/6/2019 (Permalink)
- Fix any damaged parts of your roof
The roof of your property should get a check up every year, especially after major weather events such as hail storms, for signs of deterioration. Fix all of the broken, misplaced and cracked tiles; remove any dirt buildup, for those can block the drainage channels. If your roof sheeting is damaged, it may need to be replaced. Any beam of light shining through the roof may be a sign that your roof membrane is damaged. Keep in mind that working on a roof can be dangerous, be careful when inspecting the area or contact an expert roofer.
- Make sure your insurance policy is adequate
Consider the type of coverage you will need. Make sure your insurance provides cover for weather events that are specific to your geographic location. These may include but are not limited to: flash flooding, storm runoff, landslide, and damage caused by falling trees or branches.
- Listen and comply with information broadcast by your local radio station and weather warning systems
Local radio stations will always broadcast weather information specific to the area in which you reside. Listening to such channels will help you identify areas you should avoid due to flash flooding, road closures, recovery centers and evacuation pathways. In the case of a storm, make sure you are prepared to be without power and have battery operated lights and radios. Be compliant with the information provided in emergency preparedness packets and stay safe!
Storms can hit at any point, and cause varying amounts of trouble. If any damage happens to your property, our team can meet your needs here on Oah’u! We offer safety, maintenance and other services to keep you, your family and your home safe.
Call us at (808) 235-5015 or visit our website: